Meet 11 of the most important interim managers is the headline in Harvard Business Review May/June 2023 ( ‚For companies requiring a heavyweight employee who can make a real difference but are reluctant in this climate to take someone on full time, bringing in an interim manager could be the answer‘, UnitedInterim is quoted.

Interim Managers are experienced to quickly analyse challenges and to deliver solutions jointly with key people and management of their Customers. Once delivered they leave the organisation after handing over reliable structures and enabled employees.
I am proud of having been listed as one of the most important interim managers together with @Ulvi I. AYDIN; @Marcus HAMAN; @Eckhart Hilgenstock; @Paul Stricker; @George Zitter; @Achim U. Krieger; @Marcus Deutsch; @Jürgen W. Schmidt; @Karl-Heinz Schulte; @Dr. Amir Fattah. Among these names you will find an interim manager for your individual challenge. Of cause there are more important #interimmanager in addition to the 11 listed.
Thank you to @Norbert Wittmann, @Harald Schönfeld, and @Juergen Becker für your support.
#Interimmanagement #topinterimmanager
Auszug aus dem Harvard Business Review